Welcome to Beauty & Ashes
Hi there! I don’t know how you ended up here, but welcome. No matter what stars had to align for you to land on this site, I’m believing God has something specific to say to your heart through these posts.
My name is Shannon Robinson. I’m a mom of three, dreamer by day, closet writer by night. I work full-time in ministry, part-time in Real Estate, and full-time taking care of my kids ever since my husband tragically passed away in the Spring of 2018.
Life is crazy, isn’t it?
I started this blog in 2017, during one of the (then) hardest years of my life. I never imagined this blog would become my own therapy tool to process the loss of my husband less than a year later. I’ve spent 3 years detailing my journey through grief and faith, and even as painful as it is, I truly believe God can and will use the ashes of my story to bring about something beautiful in my life and even in yours.
I hope you read with an open heart and an open mind, and I pray you find something uplifting and inspiring to help you through wherever you are in life right now.
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Thanks for stopping by!
Shannon 🙂